I would recommend Aoife Cunningham who I link in with, she teaches the same method so I refer students to her. So if you’d like to get the ball rolling with lessons with Aoife that would be ideal. And hopefully I’ll have space for you in time to come. Here’s Aoife’s contact +353 (85) 843 1891. Based in Dangan.
- more teachers I would recommend are:
Fiona Currie (085) 169 5246 in Renmore
Sandra Lovern +353 (87) 244 4914
Roisin Lowry
- A zoom teacher option is Irish professional musician & composer Roisin Lowry (also known as Lowli on the radio!) she’s very kind to welcome Beo Ceol referrals who would prefer live zoom one to one classes as she is based on the east coast with music projects.
* Here is her contact & info: 0860703102 roisin.klowry@gmail.com.
Hope that’s ok help for now, thanks again for contacting and look forward to meet ye in future✨
Warm regards
Brenda 🌸